Episode 116

How Churches Can Use Social Media (Ideas & Examples)


September 26th, 2024

16 mins 4 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

💡100 Topics Ideas & Templates💡

🔥 [FREE] Hybrid Ministry Strategy Guide🔥

My New Favorites (And Easy Way) to create a lot of social media content for your church and youth ministry without losing your life to editing and capturing!
In this 4 part series playlist I will share with you 4 different types of video content for your church and your social media and how to start creating content with your students, teenagers, youth group and church attenders.

//Custom Coaching

//Caleb Interview

💡100 Topics Ideas & Templates💡

//Studio Tour & Gear Links

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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@clasonnick
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Website: https://www.hybridministry.xyz

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00:00 2024 Social Media Strategy
01:28 Create Content With Your Students
02:05 How it all began
06:00 Video #1
09:44 How to Edit
12:49 How to Capture the Videos


00:00:00:00 - 00:00:06:13
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Easy social media ideas for churches and for youth ministries.

00:00:06:13 - 00:00:18:14
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Hey everyone, welcome to the Hybrid Ministry Show. I am your host, Nick place, and we are looking to make digital discipleship easy, possible and accessible. My strategy for social media in 2024,

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
and it's looking like beyond if you didn't know this. Short form vertical based videos or reels?

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
TikToks YouTube shorts account for 90% of the internet's traffic, which is just a wildly high

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
statistic. And so people are getting on the internet to consume these styles of videos. And so we as churches, as communicators, as people who want to have an impact in our world, we need to be on these platforms. And so if you do want to be on social media, I recommend taking that strategic approach, posting those types of videos.

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And I also recommend not just posting only spiritual content. So one of the funnest things to do is post content that is just fun,

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
interesting, funny, like a game of some sort, and then hook people kind

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
of with that sort of piece of content and then hopefully drive them deeper down your funnel,

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
which you will eventually get them to more spiritual content and, and hopefully you'll get them to a long form version of your spiritual content, which from there you can hopefully,

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
just like you would live in the room, just like you would live with the sermon.

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Prompt them to take some sort of meaningful next step closer to Jesus. My new favorite phenomenon for churches and for youth ministries is to create content

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
with my students, not just content

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
for my students.

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Generation Z and subsequently Generation Alpha are looking for the personal touch. They've they've grown up under the rise of customization generation. Alpha is going to be growing up under the rise of personalization with algorithms and AI and things that can make life just very tailored to them.

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And so they don't want to necessarily get on their social media and see a

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
bunch of stuff that I have done for them. They would rather get on social media and see a bunch of stuff

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
that they have had an opportunity to participate in.

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And so a couple years ago, my resident Caleb, linked right here is my interview with him.

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And in it, we actually talked for a little while about this concept called the social challenge. And so where this came birthed out of is in our student ministry, we have a very, very vibrant YouTube channel. It's probably the social media platform that

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
I pour the most gas on. If you want to see our strategy link down below is my completely free e-book strategy guide, detailing and outline every single thing I do from silly posting videos, long form version, pieces of content.

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
It will help you take an adapter and make that possible in your context. But we were talking through a

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
YouTube channel, which is mostly just teaching videos, and he wanted to include more students

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
on our longform, teaching videos section of YouTube. You know, YouTube is broken into different like containers. You got you got

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
posts and you got shorts and you got videos and you got lives.

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And so he's like, I want more students. I

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
think it'd be good if there were more students on the video portion. And not just us staff, people with teaching videos. And I was like, okay, great. So he invented this thing called the social Challenge. And the social challenge became a huge win for us in our student ministry in multiple arenas.

00:03:18:25 - 00:03:31:02
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
But early on, it would just be him or maybe him, and like another one of our students or him and another one of our interns filming some, some students doing some sort of challenge, just think like any sort of

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
youth group game. And then they would just capture it on camera. And so that was on a Wednesday night.

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Our team, we don't work on Fridays. And so he would come into the office

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
on Thursday and he would edit all day long to try and get that thing ready to go. And then from there, he would get that thing posted and off he would go, putting our students on, on the YouTube channel. Well,

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
over time, that just became hefty every single week with a Thursday all day edit like that was the only thing he had like really bandwidth for it to do.

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
On Thursday. And so we let that thing run for about a semester. And then we made an adjustment. And I said, what if we,

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Because in the meantime, we were filming short form, vertical based video content with our staff, and we would film like once a month, and we would get together and we would do some of these ideas.

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And one of the ones I'm about to share with you here in just a minute, and we would, we were filming for us

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
and I was like, what if we put students behind that camera? And so that's what we did. And so my favorite, we do in our studio. Mr.. Now we've honed it in where we do four different types of social challenges.

00:04:35:06 - 00:04:44:17
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And so most months are made up of four different weeks and so on week one we'll do this week two do that, week three we'll do that. Link four we'll do that. Or we'll just do

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
whatever is running low. And so I have every single thing, every single piece of content stored

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
in a Google Drive. And I can see as I post daily, I can see which of these pieces of content I'm running

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
out of, and then thus which ones we need to film more of on the next Wednesday night.

00:05:01:02 - 00:05:04:18
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Some of the other advantages youth pastors that this has had

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
is this has created a space in our student ministry for students to come and let their voice be heard, and for them to actually get a chance to be on social media themselves. And then

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
they're actually looking for it later on down the road, like, when are you going to post my video?

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Let me know. And it was funny, last week I actually pulled a kid aside and said, hey, I'm

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
posting yours tomorrow. And so then he texted me. I didn't send him the link or anything like that, but he texted me. He's like, that was good, you know, typical seventh grade boy. But, he he reached out of his own accord.

00:05:35:08 - 00:05:56:13
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Right. Once he saw his video had been posted online. And so it's had some major wins for us in the room. It's actually made like our in person, a little bit more, intimate, like it's made our students actually get to interact with and know each other a little bit more. And so that's our current adaptation. We just batch record our students any given Wednesday

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
night, with these different for social media ideas, I'm going to share with you in this video playlist.

00:06:03:20 - 00:06:22:25
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
The first video idea that we do, it's called drafts. Now, you've probably seen or heard these before in if you've ever been on social media, all kinds of different people have done them. And I'm not, you know, claiming to be the the author of this idea, we have no doubt seen, we're taking

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
this, you know, from other people, we've seen it done elsewhere, and we've adapted it to our culture

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
and to our context.

00:06:29:23 - 00:06:31:27
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
But essentially what it is is you choose, like

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
any topic, literally any topic in the world that has at least ten or more options. And the reason you need ten or more is because it's it's sort of treated like a, like sports or like a basketball type thing where you draft somebody, to your starting five. And so if you and if you and I were doing this, you might go first in any particular category, let's just say,

00:06:58:12 - 00:07:10:02
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
let's just say basketball players, you know, for example, by the way, link down below in the description I have shared with you, like over 100 different draft topic ideas

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
as well as a

00:07:10:25 - 00:07:19:17
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
gear resource list. So go ahead and click that link and go grab it. You can just have it and then you can take these and kind of copy and paste them and implement them into your church and into

00:07:19:17 - 00:07:27:15
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
your social media strategy. But if you're going first, maybe you're Michael Jordan guy. So you take Michael Jordan, but then you go to me and it'd be my pick.

00:07:27:15 - 00:07:45:08
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And the only thing I couldn't take is Michael Jordan. I could take any other basketball player I wanted to. I could take LeBron James. I can also take Bronny James. It doesn't matter. I could take whoever I want. So I'll go LeBron. And then back to you. You might think that the third greatest player of all time is like Magic Johnson.

00:07:45:08 - 00:08:02:23
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And that's fair. I'll go ahead and give you like thumbs up on that. Come back to me. I'll probably take like Larry Bird or something like that. Back over to you. Let's say you take, maybe you're a big Bulls guy. Maybe you take Scottie Pippen. Great. That's fine. I don't agree with that necessarily. But I appreciate you trying back over to me.

00:08:02:23 - 00:08:18:17
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
I probably go doctor J. Or Wilt Chamberlain maybe. I think, and as I'm doing this, I'm commentating it, right. I'm like, you know, I'm thinking this thing that, and so I'll go ahead. I'll take I'll take, I'll, I'll end up taking wilt. No no no no no no. What am I doing? I'll take Shaq I'll take Shaq back over to you.

00:08:18:17 - 00:08:33:05
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And you're like, all right, fine, I'll take Kobe. Great. That's great. Back over to me now. I'll take wilt okay. And I'm not now like building a team to play with. And you can set those parameters because I can't have Will and Shaq playing on the same team that both centers. Right. Back over to you. Maybe you're going to take like a modern guy.

00:08:33:09 - 00:08:47:28
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Maybe you're going to go like Kevin Durant or something like that. And I think that would be fair. Back over to me if I wanted to take a modern guy. Though I don't think he's, top ten of all time, but I do think it's great. Shaq good. So Alexander represent Oklahoma City Thunder. That's my favorite basketball team.

00:08:48:00 - 00:09:11:08
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And then what you do then is you'd say, hey, let us know. Comment down below who you think won okay. Now in that particular case, everyone watching would definitely say that I won. But maybe you got some big, Bulls fans, some some people from Chicago watching your content. Maybe they would say that you won, and they would say that you picked all the goats and Kobe Bryant and Scottie Pippen and all the other people, right?

00:09:11:15 - 00:09:11:24
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
whatever the case might be, but you just literally go back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. Another option you can do is you can snake it in

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
so if you don't know, it's like, first person, second person, second person, first person, first person, second person, second person. That's the concept of a snake draft.

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
I don't

00:09:28:02 - 00:09:44:11
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
I don't do that as much in like a two person draft because, it's just like 12X2X2X2X2, and then it ends with one. I'd rather just kind of do the bounce back, but either way, your choice, your decision, you figure out which you prefer. And then

00:09:44:11 - 00:09:51:12
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
I need to edit that sucker. And so typically when I do it with anyone on my staff, those drafts end up being like, five minutes,

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
because there's a fair bit of banter.

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And we're sort of like, gassing people for, like, what they said, or slamming them for how bad we thought the choices were.

00:10:00:26 - 00:10:08:10
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And either way, we're kind of going back and forth, making fun of each other. And so that you have you have some decisions to make

00:10:08:10 - 00:10:18:06
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
in the editing process, right? You got to get it down for me, I try to get every video under 60s because YouTube shorts is cap is 60s.

00:10:18:06 - 00:10:26:05
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And so if I can get it under 60, then that means I can post it on YouTube shorts, TikTok, Instagram Reels and Facebook Reels all four places.

00:10:26:05 - 00:10:39:20
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Now, if you don't want to use YouTube shorts though, if you're trying to reach teenagers, can I please implore you to consider using it? 95% of teenagers are on YouTube, and so if you are in youth ministry, you should definitely be using YouTube, and thus you should also

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
be using YouTube shorts.

00:10:41:10 - 00:10:49:26
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
But if you don't want to use YouTube, then you can make it longer because those other platforms allow for longer, time segments of videos. And you can

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
edit it directly on your phone. My edits, it look like this. If you're watching here on YouTube. I'll also share with you my Photoshop template in that,

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
free downloadable document where I am sharing, you know, all the different hundreds of ideas of draft, topics and content that you can use.

00:11:07:28 - 00:11:29:03
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
But, if you don't have Photoshop, you can literally design this, in anything. You can design it on TikTok, in the TikTok editor. You can design it on an app like Cap Cut for the free version or the paid version. You can use it on Instagram Reels. Editor. Like it's literally the sky is the limit on where you can edit it.

00:11:29:03 - 00:11:30:08
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
I like to edit in

00:11:30:08 - 00:11:43:09
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Adobe Premiere Pro, so I use Adobe Photoshop, and then I import those files into Adobe Premiere Pro and the good news in all of this is that for a while I started doing it. And then, homeschool kids are

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
the best in our student ministry because they obviously they they don't go to school for as long during the day when they do homeschool.

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And I can have

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
them come in and they can use, one of our spare computers that has Adobe Premiere Pro loaded on it. And I've been just teaching them how to use Adobe Photoshop, how to use Adobe Premiere Pro.

00:12:04:16 - 00:12:12:03
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And I had a student, I kid you not, who he took all of, one of our other, like, video tape adaptations.

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
We had like, like 12

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
of them, and he edited every single one of them, like in one sitting. He he came in. It was like

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
his maybe fifth time in, And so he had to, like, learn and get up to speed on that fifth time. I mean, he just

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
crushed them to the point where he was loving editing.

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And then he said to me, hey, can I come in tomorrow? And I was like, bro, you've done them all.

00:12:36:00 - 00:13:00:00
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And before I was getting students to come in and edit, I was editing them all myself, every single one. And so I was always behind. I never was caught up and he got me completely caught up. And now the other good news in all of this is that in addition to students editing it and getting them posted, I've also had students begin to take ownership and leadership in the room of where we're filming this thing.

00:13:00:00 - 00:13:17:20
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
So we've actually built a full studio. You can see link down below, our studio tour and all the gear that we use, but sometimes we just use like a camera on the back of a cell phone and like external microphones. Other times we use like full podcast studio type microphones and run that into like a focus right camera.

00:13:17:22 - 00:13:38:04
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And we filmed it off our Sony ZV ten. Again, all of that is linked in that, studio tour episode. If you want to look at any of that purchase, any of that. And then if you do have your phone, you can just edit it directly off your phone. If you do it off of a camera, you got to take out the SD card and then download it and then go edit it in some sort of software on your computer.

00:13:38:06 - 00:14:02:08
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Again, either one of those strategies is fine. You decide what you want, you can do a really heavy edit, or you can do a really minimal edit like either of those. Either of those strategies works, and you can kind of do whatever works best for you and your, your time frame. Right. But once those students, edit those, I also have students capturing them or I have them running the room.

00:14:02:08 - 00:14:23:06
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
I have them, getting students in place. I have them literally running, like, action and, like, clapping their hands. And, it was actually really helpful because one week when we were filming a bunch of, these draft style videos, the camera audio cut out, but I got all the mic audio, but I was like, how am I going to sync up empty words?

00:14:23:08 - 00:14:49:17
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
To real audio? And because of the claps, I was able to find the clap on the camera, link up that spike, and then they were able to be to be linked. And so, I at this point in time, like this, this strategy, this four part video strategy, students are running it on Wednesday nights capturing the videos, and then students are editing it and all I'm doing is overseeing it and posting it.

00:14:49:17 - 00:14:51:05
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And so my guess would be, if you're in

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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
youth ministry and you want to create content with your students, that this is what you're looking for because you may not feel equipped, you may not feel like you have, what it takes or even the knowledge behind social media in your students. They do, they do. And if you're willing to build the infrastructure enough to then be able to hand that over to them, I think that's a fantastic model and it takes more work off of your

00:15:15:02 - 00:15:16:04
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry

00:15:16:04 - 00:15:38:19
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And so if you're interested in exploring, how to do that or even just looking for maybe like some some next steps, I offer a coaching link down below. Reach out about that is really affordable, is really cheap, and I would love to help you get that up and running. Now on to easy social media video idea number two.

00:15:38:21 - 00:15:57:27
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
I'm glad that you asked because I'm sure you were looking for it. It's actually going to be linked here on screen in the very next video, which I have here on my channel. So go ahead and tap that. Go check that one out. And without any further ado, we will see you over there because we are making digital discipleship easy and possible and accessible.

00:15:57:27 - 00:16:02:01
Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And so as always, don't ever forget to stay hybrid.