Episode 118
How Churches Can Use Social Media (Ideas & Examples) Part 3
October 10th, 2024
14 mins 2 secs
About this Episode
💡100 Topics Ideas & Templates💡
🔥 [FREE] Hybrid Ministry Strategy Guide🔥
My New Favorites (And Easy Way) to create a lot of social media content for your church and youth ministry without losing your life to editing and capturing!
In this 4 part series playlist I will share with you 4 different types of video content for your church and your social media and how to start creating content with your students, teenagers, youth group and church attenders.
//Social Challenge 4 Part Playlist
//Custom Coaching
💡100 Topics Ideas & Templates💡
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00:00 Easy Social Media for Churches #3
01:41 How to Play
05:59 How to Add more Volunteers
07:10 1C
09:11 2C
10:45 3C
13:39 Easy Social Media Idea #4
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Easy social media idea for
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
churches and youth ministries. Part three. In
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
this video, I'm going to share with you one of, if not the easiest way to start creating custom social media content for you and your
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
church, in your youth ministry, with you, with your leaders, with your students. This is a continuation of the video playlist which is linked right
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
This is part three out of four of what I do in my four
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
part social media strategy. For me and my churches.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
You know, I've been in youth ministry for 14 years, and this is easily the best
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
strategy and the one that we have seen the most traction with not only creating good custom social media content for our church and our student ministry, but also with adding people to our social media team so that I have less on my plate as a youth pastor to do, and there's more ministry being passed off and handed off to our students.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And I'm also going to share with you in this video my three part proven three C formula for adding student volunteers to our social media team. And as always, if you're here on YouTube, don't forget that there are chapters included at the bottom of this video so that you can go ahead and skip around. But my social challenge idea number three is called man on the Street.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Now you don't have to call it man on the street, but essentially you've seen these style videos. It's interview style videos where you have someone walking around with a microphone and they're interviewing someone and asking them any sort of question and the comedy in it, or the interesting part in it is really just in the person's answers and or in the interaction or in the banter that may or may or may not go on between the two people.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
One of the wins that we've seen, how we do it in our student ministry, is we create 4
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
to 5 questions for any given night, in any given like season. So for example, a couple months back it was back to school. So we did a bunch of back to school sort of themed questions like, what's the worst cafeteria food you've ever had?
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
What's the worst lunch food you've ever eaten? What's the what's your like number one thing on your back to school shopping list? And we ask
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
all five questions to like as many people in that night as we can three, four,
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
five, six, seven interviews. And then what you do is you just take one of those questions and you spice up all the answers.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
You may include them all. You may choose to leave some out if they're not as interesting or as good. And then you can also create like, just some interesting things in the edit. The power I believe on this is the power is done in the edit. And I have
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
found that this video in particular is one that students really enjoy editing.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Now it is a little bit more complicated because, if you're doing it in something like Adobe Premiere Pro, you may just end up with a lot of different layers. And if you're not a skilled editor or if you don't have experience in editing something like this, you may just get turned around. So this one is tougher to hand off to volunteers.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Which is why in the last video, my seven questions video, is where I want to encourage students to start that one seems like, easy first kind of starting spot, but this one students can really let their creativity
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
run wild. And so what we do is we just do like five different questions seasonally based. And so as this video drops mid-October, you might do some Halloween, you might do some Thanksgiving videos.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And so you might
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
do like what are what is the best Halloween candy? What is the worst Halloween? Cat candy or, like, thing you've ever gotten in your bucket as you've gone trick or treating? What is your, least favorite Thanksgiving food? You get to the Thanksgiving table and you see it on the table and you're like, oh man, I can't believe that that is being served right now.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
What are you going to be asking for for Christmas? And then what is the worst road trip you've ever taken around Christmas or
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
something like that? Right. There's five questions you ask all five of those, and then you ask as many people as you can. You can do this with the gear list link
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
down below in the template.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
It's the one that's
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
been included in all of these videos. It's got my Photoshop template for the last two videos. It's got gear recommendations, it's got topic recommendations. And you can take those topics and you can use them for seven questions. You can take them and use them for drafts, or you can take them and curate and curtail them to be working for you.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And this man on the street style video. Now, go ahead and give me a like if this video so far has provided value and go ahead and give me a subscribe if this is something that you might think that you might start implementing in your student ministry. But like I said, the power is in the edit. So the more like gifts, B-roll or sound effects that you can create as people are giving answers, you can zoom
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
in, you can zoom out, you can do like,
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
like one of my favorite resources.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And I'll link it down below in the description is Giphy g I p h y.com and we can search GIFs there. And I've just sent students there and they will find GIFs, to kind of add on screen as people are giving answers and sometimes so much so that there's like so many GIFs on the screen that we don't even see the people, like answering the questions.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
But this is, again, this is a great way for students to kind of let their creativity run wild. Now, here's the other thing that man on the street does. So if you're watching our last two videos, we talked about drafts and we talked about seven questions. Those are stationary videos. Those often they take place for us in our studio.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
If you haven't seen our studio tour, go ahead, check out the link down below for that. But those happen in our studio. Those happen in a different section of the building. The good news about men on the street style videos is it forces us to get out of our studio, and it forces us to go be on the streets, go be all throughout the different spaces of our youth ministry.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
So we have an outdoor sports basketball court, so they may be out there. We have an indoor rec room. They may be in there. We have a cafe, they may be in there in the lobby or whatever. And so, they're much more visible. And here's the good news about the visibility once they're visible and once they're doing it, we start to see a, a drastic uptick in people, and their interest level in joining our social media team.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
They're like, hey, can I do this? Can I help, can I join? And so one of the markers, one of the values in, for us and for our student ministry, you know, the apostle Paul says, you shouldn't be a youth pastor. You shouldn't be the only one doing ministry. You should be handing the work of ministry off to equip the saints for works and acts of service.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And so
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
that's our goal, not only just with the dots, but also with students as well. And so that needs to be our goal. That needs to be what we are aiming to do. And so, as we are growing and building these teams, less and less falls on your plate. You have to create the structure and the scaffolding, and you have to keep that train kind of moving down the tracks.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
But ultimately you can hand
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
some of these things off. And this area in particular, a student ministry is something that students actually are interested in doing. No shade, no offense to get services and holding doors open and greeting people, but students love the opportunity. Or at least in general, students love the opportunity to get on camera, be on camera, or run the camera.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
So with all that being said, here is my proven three C strategy for building a good student volunteer team. The first C is calendar. Actually calendar it out. And what I mean by that, I just use an Excel template and I, you know, have like week one, week two, week three, week four. Now most students get turned around by what any of that means.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
What is week one was week two, you know. So if you have typically any given like let's say your youth night is Wednesday night, any given month you have four Wednesdays in the month, but occasionally you'll have a fifth. And the fifth is what throws everybody off. Because
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
if you schedule people once a month, they think they serve every four.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
But if there's a fifth actually is every five, or if they serve every other week, then they may serve every other week. But you throw a fifth in there. And now that messes up when they're landing. And so for clarity, I like to just call it, if you're doing, you know, every other, first and third, second and fourth.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
All right. And then you got figure out where your fifths are. So I like to do first, third and fifth. Okay. And I'll just explain to them, hey, if you're a fifth that means you'll do a first, a third, a fifth that'll feel like every other. But then when it rolls back around to the first, you're actually going to do two weeks in a row.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Just brace for that. Just understand that, okay. And then like okay, they get it in theory. All right. I've even literally pulled up my Google calendar and I've showed them like this when it says August 7th. That's week one when it says August 14th, that's week two and it says 21st. That's week three, which is 28. That's week four.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And then we we go to September. And I'm like, now you try it in September. Which one are the weeks you're serving if you're on week one and three for example. And like once they get that understanding it makes sense. Also, I can recommend some sort of scheduling feature, you know, for my tech team, I use planning center services for the rest of our team.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
We use Church Community Builder, which is our church's database. Whatever you use, whatever you have, if you can send some sort of invitation for them to serve, that would be great. But that leads me to my second see in my building a strong volunteer team is contact. How are you going to contact them? See, here's what happens. A lot of times in churches is especially when serving with students, we want students to serve even in our greater teams on our church, like our tech team or worship team or our greeting team.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
But we treat them once again, those teams like adults, and we should and we should start working them towards that. However, in most cases when you're scheduling adults, you're scheduling them through email. Most students do. They have an email. It's not a regular discipline of them checking it very often, if at all. And so in Planning Center and it also church community builder, both of them have integration for text messages.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And most students are receiving text messages at this point. And then if students are not, we have to get to their parents. Right? And we say, okay, well, you have a phone, so I'm going to send this to your parents and you're going to get notified via your parents mobile. Whatever. Now, I handle that on an individual basis with every single student.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
It's much more than just fill out this form, I'll put you on and I'll show you like I have that conversation. Let them know your first and third, and then I'll. I get from them what I need in order to contact them effectively and in my mind to contact every student effectively, I need to text them. And in both cases, both planning center and church community builder.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
I need to know their cell phone carrier. It's a weird question. Most students know the answer to it. It's like, is it AT&T? Is it Verizon? Is it T-Mobile? Once I put that in, I'm able to schedule them and they're able to get text message notifications for when they're scheduled. And then the last piece of it, the third key is conflicts.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
What do you do when you can't come to church. Set the expectation now. So I say your schedule first and third I'm going to text you. You're going to get a notification. Either accept it or decline it. Coach them up, train them how you want them to do that, and then say, if you can't make it, I need you to find yourself a sub.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
That's how I prefer to do it. You don't have to do it. That way. If you want them to tell you about conflicts and decline and you go find their sub, that's fine. It just adds work back straight to your play as opposed to them finding a sub on their own and then letting you know, hey, I'm not going to be there and I got so-and-so to fill in for me, then all your bases are covered.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And so when you're building a social media team, you kind of have two prongs to it. You have your capturing or your filming of it, and then you also have your editing of it. And so you can truly have like an infinite number of volunteers
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
we've found for like, seven questions, just our videos. It's good to have a camera operator.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
If we're doing separate microphones, it's good to have a microphone operator. We've also found it's good to have like a director, someone who's telling the people on, the talent, so to speak, what they're doing. We've even found it's good to have, TV, off, off camera that the people. So if I'm on camera playing the game, there's a TV right over there, and it's keeping track of the number of questions is even got the scripts like on a slide for them.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
So it's good to have a person running that. And then the last, like I said, we're in a studio. And so there are people in the hallway kind of waiting. It's good to have a host, a person out in the hallway, a person making sure that they're quiet so that when you're filming, you're not getting like the audio bleed over or whatever.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
So you can have up to five people on that week. All right. And then if you have five people that week and say five people on the week that you do drafts and you might not need as many when you're doing man on the Street or the other video that we're going to look at in my fourth and final installment of, church social media that is done easy for you.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
But you can theoretically see how you can get to ten, 12, 15 different people. And then you add editors on top of that. When are they coming into the office? Do they have the gear at home? Can they edit it on something like cap cut on their app, on their phone, and then deliver that content back to you so that you can post it?
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Or can you even have them just in charge of the posting calendar and the posting schedule, and you can just hand those things off to it. So again, the point is the sky's the limit if you only have 2 or 3 students who are on your team, you just have them work every week, right? Or you do these every other week and that's when they serve.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
And then the athletes that you don't have anything for social media. But as you're building your team, you need to work through that three see framework, the calendar. How are you going to communicate it? Where are you going to print it? Where are they going to see it? How are you going to handle first, third, fifth Sundays? How are you going to contact them and how are you going to handle conflicts?
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
Now moving on to our fourth and final video in this playlist. In this strategy, we are going to link it right here on screen. So you can go ahead and take a look at that fourth and final easy social media idea for churches and for youth ministries. Don't forget, we had the Hybrid Ministry show are trying to make digital discipleship easy, possible and accessible.
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Nick Clason | Hybrid Ministry
So as always, don't forget to stay hybrid.